Saturday, 31 January 2015

105: Live concert and Masked Ball at Holtwaye Art Space

Waiting to begin
Since this Masked Ball was postponed from late last month, my anticipation has been building and building ... and I wasn't disappointed. We had a delightful live concert from singer Samm Qendra and everyone showed up in their nicest masks and outfits.
Wayne Allan (WayneNZ), one of our hosts
     I actually crashed SIX TIMES to get these pictures -- so I have to apologize, because I know there are some people who were there, and looking gorgeous, for whom I just couldn't swivel the camera around in time.
     The Holtwaye Art Space is a beautiful, and HUGE space, with all kinds of art exhibitions all the time. My friends Wayne Allan and Holter Rez have done a great job in creating a space where art can be viewed -- drop by the gallery (here's your SLURL) and check it out!

Mikey (MikeAdam) & RickJ Ewing
(L-R) Hotboy Lockjaw, Stallion Pizzaro, Gerard Reinoir, Hunter
JJ Goodman, the event's official photographer
Rusty Redfield (foreground) & Alex Thaub
(L-R) Penfold Halsey & Echo Lilliehook
Brent Jovanni
Bart (Bartboon)
The amazing Samm Qendra
Samm Qendra in full voice
Fordis Flores
Jack Jayaram & Astanias Jayaram
Jack Jayaram & Astanias Jayaram
BM Oh (in green)
Wolfred K. Geering

Fool Botha


The Mas Dawg (Mason Thibodeaux)
JoeCoool & Mirenya

JoeCoool & Mirenya


Aarcadian Cambric

Holter Rez, our other host

Captain Sir Walter Gedenspire

Sir Walter & Jodie (Jody Whittman)

Sangi Phaeton

A glimpse I got of the beautiful PuPi (Pupila Bexante)
before she pooled

Forming up for a group shot: I'm in front but couldn't
take notes fast enough to identify the rest, sorry folks

The SLelfie that broke the Internet LOL

104: Halfway to Second Pride, at Collective

Hard to believe that we're at the halfway point of the year as far as the countdown to Second Pride is concerned ... how time flies when you're having virtual fun! Jerrod Rodenberger is in charge of Collective, the science-fiction companion club to steampunk venue Engine, and last night put on a party to celebrate that halfway point. I think this kind of party keeps people's minds on
what a great celebration Second Pride always is for LGBT SL residents, and thanks to Jerrod for putting it on.  A good idea in a good cause.
     There were lots of people there and I'm hoping that Second Pride collected a lot of donations. I saw DJ Ez (Ezzie Mirabella), who's not only a well-known DJ but the Chair of Second Pride, in attendance. Ezzie always seems to
make time for these Pride-related events, even though he's terrifically busy -- thanks Ezzie! Also in attendance was my fellow blogger NakedCarl Paneer, whose blog is here (and who will probably have his own report!), and my handsome boyfriend Alex Thaub, who despite the persistent attentions of a couple of horn dogs is not on the market -- sorry, boys!
     I had to leave before I found out who "Best in Sports Kit" was -- there were a lot of hot candidates! A fun party, good music and a visually interesting venue. Should continue to be a popular place to dance!