Saturday, 5 November 2016

173: Clothes from Hassel

First, a booster juice.
While you look at the pictures telling the story of an afternoon at the gym for Alex Thaub and myself, followed by the inevitable carbohydrate loading session at a pizza parlour, all while dressed in clothes from Hassel, let me explain.
  The other day, I said that if you see me wearing it, it's because I bought it. I don't make deals with designers to promote their clothes. But I'm not going to restrict myself from being happy with Hassel85 Resident's clothes just because he was a nice guy and gave
Sign in at the gym.
me a couple of sweaters.
  Here's what happened. I was out wandering around at Gay Fun World and found the Hassel store, with these nice colour-shifting sweaters, like the one I'm wearing as we get into Alex's car.  Dark violet on the top, pale violet on the bottom, a nice thick wool sweater.  Very nice, I bought two for L$200 apiece, and in real life I have something like this too, so it was good to have a virtual one too.
  Went home and unpacked them and was quite pleased. Then I got a note
Alex showing off his upper body gains.
from the designer, saying, "You know, you got two sweaters for L$400 when you could have had the fatpack of all five colours for L$475.  Thanks for shopping at Hassel and I've enclosed the rest of the colours."
  Well, I thought that was a very nice thing to do, and said so. Then I brought Alex to the store to show him the clothes, and one thing led to another, and we bought a bunch of clothes. And then Hassel dropped us a thank-you note and gave Alex -- I think it was two pairs of shorts.
Carbing up after the gym.
  We both like these clothes. For one thing, I think the designer has realized that people are unlikely to wear the same designer head to toe. People use clothes as elements to create a look. These clothes are comfortable and the colours are great for bros, bright but a little muted. Some of the shirts are quite dramatic, like the "star" shirt Alex is wearing at the coffee shop. When you wear something like that the rest of your outfit has to be a little less dramatic, to let your "statement piece" stand out.
Off home.
  Anyway, we were trying on clothes and I said, "Let's go do a fashion shoot." These are literally the clothes I would wear to go work out and then out for a pizza, so that's what we set up. It was fun to do ... to try to tell a story and show off the clothes at the same time.
Alex's shirts, and my tank and sweater, are from Hassel. The rest is our own stuff.
  Please don't make Hassel's life hell by expecting the same thing from him. It was obviously a nice gesture but presents aren't mandatory ... unless perhaps you're prepared to do a fashion shoot to say thanks.  ;-) But if you need some versatile casual clothes, check out his store at Gay Fun World or his Marketplace listings.

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